Test & Measurement

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Boston University
Test & Measurement

Electro-optics Plus Algorithms Yield Continuous Blood-Pressure Readings

Sophisticated instrumentation, advanced algorithms, and machine learning enable real-time, on-the-go blood-pressure and other blood-flow measurements.
Bluetooth Adds Broadcast and Channel Sounding

Bluetooth Builds Up with Broadcast and Distance Features

Auracast brings broadcasting to Bluetooth while Channel Sounding provides distance measurements.
ID 166960851 © Korn Vitthayanukarun | Dreamstime.com

Reviewing the Latest in Electronic Product Sustainability Regulations

As regulations take shape around sustainable product design, Avnet’s Stacy Mendez highlights the laws that could have an impact on how engineers do their jobs.
ID 91110900 © Romrodinka | Dreamstime.com
Industry Insights

Meet Katya Echazarreta—The First Mexican Woman in Space

Katya Echazarreta, who once worked at McDonald's, now is the first Mexican woman to travel to space.
Event-Based Vision Sensors

Taking a Look at Event-Based Vision Systems

Prophesee’s camera provides a data stream, which includes a pixel location and color values when a change is detected, that’s used directly with tools based on spiking neural ...
Test & Measurement

Ocean of Things (OoT) Biomimetic “Bug” Skims Water and Collects Data

This biomimetic robot, powered by bacteria in water, can collect water temperature, pollution levels, biological and craft movement, and data as an element of the Ocean of Things...
Machine Learning

AI-Driven Workflows Help Maximize Electronics Efficiency

The electronics industry can learn valuable lessons from how software engineers have integrated AI into their development workflows.

Space Race 2025: Multiple Agencies Set to Launch New Missions

The Moon and asteroids are at the top of the mission list for a number of agencies, while others will focus on exploration to increase our understanding of the universe.
Chung-Ang University

Korean Researchers Advance Piezoelectric and Triboelectric Harvesting Sensors

Advances in materials science stemming from research in South Korea are leading to higher-performance piezoelectric and triboelectric, and self-powering, sensors.